
The experience developed by UNDRR – Regional office of Africa and CIMA Research Foundation, demonstrated the added value for DRM practitioners and authorities to access risk quantitative risk information on potential impacts of disaster expressed in monetary terms (average annual losses), and disaggregated by geographic areas and economic sectors. However, the existence of the information does not directly imply its use and integration into different strategic sectors. The country risk profiles contain advanced risk information that needs to be properly understood, tailored, and applied.

This guidance document was developed to give an overview of the possible applications of the probabilistic country risk profiles. It therefore outlines a number of practical applications connected to disaster risk management and development, with the aim of guiding the users towards the best use of probabilistic risk information. It is the result of internal consultations and external research – a tool to inspire policymakers and decision-makers to apply risk information according to their own needs.

This document is expected to be used as a starting point for the integration of advanced probabilistic risk information. Where the important value of this information appears, a more detailed process should be developed in order to better expand on specific country needs and tailor the information found in the country risk profile.